DataTrust (RDt) application can be installed from AWS using two methods as mentioned below:
- Using AWS marketplace.
- By creating a new EC2 instance from AWS marketplace.
1. Using AWS marketplace
- Visit the link - AWS Marketplace: Homepage (
- Search using the keyword RDt and click the search icon to display the results.
- Click the RDt for Data Quality.
- This action navigates to the RDt for Data Quality page for subscription.
Note: By default, Overview tab is selected which displays the Product Overview
- Click Pricing tab to display the pricing details.
Note: By default, 15-day free trial is provided for usage of application but user will be charged for the hardware.
- Select required EC2 Instance type (e.g., - m5xlarge) but selection may vary based on the system size.
- Click the Usage tab to view all the application usage related information.
- Click Continue to Subscribe.
- This action navigates to the Subscribe to this software
- Click Continue to Configuration.
- The details of Fulfilment option, Software version, and Region details are displayed by default.
- Click Continue to Launch.
- This action navigates to the Launch this software.
- Select Choose Action -> Launch through EC2.
- Click on Launch.
- This action navigates to Launch an instance.
- Provide the Name (e.g. – tryRDt) and scroll down to view the Key pair selection option from the dropdown.
- Here, the user can either select an existing Key pair name from the dropdown option or a new key pair can also be created.
- Click the Create new key pair option to create a new key pair.
Note: For key pair creation, click here.
- Select an existing key pair from the Key pair name – required drop-down list and click the Launch instance.
- Click the Launch log.
- This action navigates to the Instances
- Instance creation (e.g. - tryRDt) with status Initializing is shown here.
Note: It takes around 3-5 minutes for the initialization process.
- Once the initialization process is done, the status is updated as Checks passed.
- Click the open address hyperlink once the initialization process is successful.
- Add /Rightdata to the end of IP address and click enter.
- This action displays the application console.
- Provide Username (admin) and Password (admin) and click Log In.
- Click Start your 15-day free trial.
Note: All the features are provided in the free trial.
- This action displays the pro-user details as shown in the below screenshot.
- Click the + User to create a new user.
Note: Total 5 ProUser License Keys and 3Display User License Keys can be generated from one trial account.
2. By creating a new instance from AWS marketplace
- From Instances session page, click on Launch instances.
- This action navigates to the Launch an instance
- Provide the new instance name (g.-tryRDt).
- From the Application and OS images (Amazon Machine Image) option, search with keyword RDt and click the search icon.
- Click Browse more AMIs.
- Select AWS Marketplace AMIs (1) tab and click Select.
- An RDt for Data Quality pop-up window is displayed.
Note: By default, an Overview tab is selected and displayed.
- Click the Continue.
- This action navigates to the Launch an instance session page.
- Provide the Name (e.g. – tryRDt) and scroll down to view the Key pair selection option from the dropdown.
- Here, the user can either select an existing Key pair name from the dropdown option or a new key pair can also be created.
- Click the Create new key pair option to create a new key pair.
Note: For key pair creation, click here.
- Select an existing key pair from the Key pair name – required drop-down list and click the Launch instance.
- Click the Launch log.
- This action navigates to the Instances
- Instance creation (e.g. - tryRDt) with status Initializing is shown here.
Note: It takes around 3-5 minutes for the initialization process.
- Once the initialization process is done, the status is updated as Checks passed.
- Click the open address hyperlink once the initialization process is successful.
- Add /Rightdata to the end of IP address and click enter.
- This action displays the application console.
- Provide Username (admin) and Password (admin) and click Log In.
- Click Start your 15-day free trial.
Note: All the features are provided in the free trial.
- This action displays the pro-user details as shown in the below screenshot.
- Click the + User to create a new user.
Note: Total 5 ProUser License Keys and 3Display User License Keys can be generated from one trial account.
Database configuration:
For database configuration, the following parameters such as server name, username, and password have to be filled for both Metadata DB and exceptions data DB.
To learn more, let us walk through the below procedure:
- Click the Data Management icon to display two options: Configure database and Change the database connection.
- Click on Configure database.
- Two tabs Metadata DB and Exceptions data DB are displayed.
- Checkbox Azure SQL which displays an additional Metadata DB name text field.
- Provide the text field details for Server name, User name, Password, and Metadata DB name.
- Click on Exceptions data DB.
- Checkbox Azure SQL which displays an additional Metadata DB name text field.
- Provide the text field details for Server name, User name, Password, and Exception DB name.
- Click on Test Connection.
- A “Test Connection Successful!” toaster message is displayed.
- Click on Save to save the database configuration.
DataTrust (RDt) Post-installation configuration steps:
As soon as a VM is created for the application from AWS portal, the user must replace the existing IP address with the generated Public IPv4 address in the config files located in the RightData (DataTrust) server middleware and Frontend folders to initiate the product trial version usage.
Steps involved:
- Click on the open address hyperlink of Public IPv4 address for tryRDt.
- Open the notepad file.
Path: C:\RightDataMiddleware\Middleware\restapi\target\classes\
- Paste the Public IPV4 address in the notepad and save it as specified in the below screenshot.
- Open the web.config notepad file.
Path: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Rightdata\web.config
- Paste the Public IPV4 address in the notepad and save it as specified in the below screenshot.
- In the final step, restart the middleware from the Task Scheduler.
Path: Task Scheduler > Task Scheduler Library > RightDataMiddleware > Selected Item > Run
Click here for VM installation from Azure